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SEG Solar Wins EUPD Research "2025 Top Innovation Module Award" in the USA


Recently, SEG Solar, a leading solar module manufacturer in the United States, was awarded the "2025 Top Innovation Module Award" by the internationally renowned research institution, EUPD Research. This recognition is a strong affirmation of SEG’s outstanding performance in product technological innovation and highlights SEG’s competitiveness and influence in the North American photovoltaic market.


EUPD is a globally recognized certification and market research organization, with over 20 years of experience in brand evaluation for industries such as new energy. EUPD conducts in-depth brand awareness surveys of installers in more than 30 countries and regions worldwide and awards certification medals annually. The awards have a rigorous and systematic evaluation framework that comprehensively assesses technology innovation, market performance, customer satisfaction, and other dimensions, ultimately selecting leaders in various fields, which gives the awards high authority.

The award-winning ALPINE N Series 720Wp module is developed based on N-type 210mm high-efficiency cell technology, with a conversion efficiency of up to 23.18% and a power temperature coefficient as low as -0.30%/℃. Its innovative design with low voltage and high string power maximizes the reduction of system BoS (Balance of System) costs and LCOE (Levelized Cost of Electricity), making it ideal for large-scale ground-mounted power plants. The high power, efficiency, energy yield, and reliability of this module have made it very popular among customers in the North American market.

Winning the "2025 Top Innovation Module Award" is a recognition of SEG’s continuous investment in research and development and its pursuit of excellence in product quality. It further enhances SEG's brand influence in the United States and globally. SEG will take this opportunity to continue focusing on technological innovation, launching even higher performance and more reliable photovoltaic modules, providing customers with better clean energy solutions, and contributing to the global energy transition.


About SEG Solar

Founded in 2016, SEG is a leading vertically integrated PV manufacturer headquartered in Houston, Texas, U.S., and is dedicated to delivering reliable and cost-effective solar modules to the utility, commercial, and residential markets. By the end of 2024, SEG had shipped over 6 GW of solar modules worldwide and have achieved a module production capacity of 6 GW.

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